Mums need a f**king medal for their patience and all they do!!

♡ 𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮 ♡

Just saying, I never knew exactly how much hard work it is to be a mum.

You need to have a shit ton of patience, be able to stand the place being a mess, be able to live off little to no sleep then after that a few hours.

To pack everything like a military operation in the chanting bag just so you can nip to the shop with your baby. Not being able to go out with your friends ( if you're a single mum like me with no one able to babysit ).

You can't just leave the house whenever you feel like it you need to work around your baby and his/her feeds, nappy changes and naps.

Putting up with your hair being pulled all the time, being moaned and grunted at CONSTANTLY. Lose friends because they don't like children or want to avoid seeing you with one. Losing your social life. Giving up your career. Have other mums shame you for not having all the new expensive stuff for your baby like a cool pram/stroller.

You have to accept that you will always have either piss, sick or shit on you definitely at one point during the day.

Not being able to eat exactly when you want because your baby decides to cry so you have to either stop cooking or let your food go cold.