What food can you not stand while pregnant?

Anais • 2boys 12/14/12 & 03/10/18 💙💙 pregnant with baby #3 due 01/26/2021

What food can you not stand that you liked before you got pregnant.

Little story. My husband was going to the kitchen to make our son ramen noodles and asked if I wanted some I said sure I love ramen noodles but haven't had some in months. He makes them and I let it cool down. I took my first bite and I already felt my stomach turning. But I continued to eat and I had just a little left until I gagged. I burped but throwup came out. My husband quickly reacted and gave me a tray to throwup in. Rushed to the bathroom didn't make it good thing I had that tray and all the noddles came right backup. I cant look at ramen noodles the same anymore 😩😢🍜