Pain in Low Belly / Right side ? 🤷🏻‍♀️


OMGosh! I could barely walk to go get my daughter from school this afternoon. The pain in my low low abs was enough to get me to walk super slow & wangle. I also felt dizzy and borderline nauseous. Had some cramping in low back but not sure if these were from contractions or what.


Yesterday I got a pretty bad contraction while I was making dinner that I had to lay down on the couch (lasted bout 3-4 min). But it happened just once, so assuming strong BH.

That night I kept waking up every hour to cramping in low belly and back, so I barely got any good sleep.

At work today (I'm a massage therapist), I wasn't aware that someone used my non-scented oil bottle & added eucalyptus essential oil to it. As soon as I started putting it on my hands it hit me like a ton of bricks. I hate the smell to begin with, but I can't be inhaling this scent during pregnancy cause it causes uterine contractions ... sure enough I was cramping soon after.

When I got home I felt sleepy so I decided to take a nap b4 getting my daughter. Slept on left side for about an hour & when the alarm woke me up I sat up and felt really dizzy.

I managed to go to the bathroom to pre b4 leaving but I still felt kinda off when walking.

That pain during my 0.5 mile walk (to and from school) in the low abs was pretty bad & I still felt a little dizzy & nauseous, but I made it back home somehow. I immediately tried to lay back down on the couch on my left side again to rest and this excruciating pain in my right side hit me so hard I had to breathe my Labor breaths through it. What the heck could it be? Round ligament pain? My feet aren't swollen much, I don't have a fever, I don't have a high blood pressure, etc.

So what do you girls think?

(sorry this is so long)

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Posted at
It sounds like something I had when I was 25 weeks pregnant. I was observed for 24 hours in labor and delivery. It came back that it was a mixture of round ligament pain, a pinched nerve, and i had pulled a muscle in my side. Also, after my bloodwork and urine came back I had a UTI and I was passing a kidney stone. If the pain persists I would call your Dr. I am glad that I did. Good luck to you!


Alicia • Sep 12, 2017
I would call L&D; just to be safe. You can tell them what is going on and they will tell you what is best. They will check your urine and blood. It is best to stay on the safe side. I waited it out for a day, and it progressively got worse. I couldn't even walk to the kitchen!


Aggie • Sep 12, 2017
Thank you Alicia. I'm def gonna keep an eye out, but I read some of my symptoms on Google and it seems like it might be bladder infection. I'll bring it up to my Ob on Wednesday. Or should I call L&D; today and ask if they can check ... do they do that?


Posted at
I get it as well, I believe it's just round ligament pain. But the pain in my lower stomach never goes away. Some days are worse than others but it's always there. It feels like a pulled muscle.