Can't take it

FarmWife 🌾 • 2015 👧🏼 2017 👼🏼👼🏼 2018 👧🏼 🌈 2020 👶🏼

I can't take it anymore.. SO works a job that keeps him away a lot of the time. I just neeeeeeeed a break. My LO who is 2 goes to bed with her milk, drinks it and comes out of her room 93847362647728 times. I put her back into her room once calmly. The second time I get frustrated. Why don't they get it!? It's the same EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT! 😫😫😫 I don't know what else to do to keep my sanity?! She's currently standing next to me and I'm ignoring her so I can keep calm 😤

UPDATE: I was told it helps if you take something away they're really attached to when they don't listen. I told her to get into bed or I was taking her blankie. She went to bed and I haven't seen her since! 🙏🏻 mommin' isn't easy!