Confused (this is gonna be a long one lol)

Kelley • I`m 26 ,married to an amazing man, with a beautiful 4 year old daughter. We lost our son at 19 weeks March 29th 2017 due to spontaneous water breaking... we are trying again and have been since July 2017 . It hasn't been easy and doesn't seem to be gettin
Ok so to start i have pcos. Ive known for about 5 or 6 years. Shortly after i found out and my husband and i were married we had our daughter just after our first anniversary. Our chances of having her were slim but everything went fairly smooth. She is a happy healthy 4 year old. So knowing it would be more difficult the second time (according to my dr at the time my pcos had worsened instead of correcting its self like they had hoped after my daughter) around we started when my daughter was 11 months old. Well we finally got pregnant last year with our son fletcher around thanksgiving. Everything was going great we had just found out his gender but unfortunately at 15 weeks with no warning my water broke. I was trying to make it to 24 weeks so he would have a chance sadly infection took over my body and i delivered him sleeping at 19 weeks and buried my baby boy a week later. We decided to try again. So july after my body went back to normal my dr. Suggested running dye through my fallopian tubes to clear out any scar tissue from the infection i had with my son. So we went ahead (painful as hell) anyway my cycle went as normal (even for having pcos my periods have been regular since i had my daughter) i have been on metformin to balance my blood sugar to help with me losing weight to control my pcos. Last month my cycle was on time. I use ovulation tests and it was light enough for me to question it but dark enough for me to consider it a positive. No big deal. Well this month me and my husband had sex for a week that was supposed to be my fertile week but i wouldnt even get close to a positive ovulation test and then i started to bleed. I am weeks away from my period and its been light bleeding mostly dark and i know it can be from too much sex and i know its not my period. Im still checking for ovulation (this app moved it a week bc i had negatives all last week when it originally predicted it) and its a bit darker. But still way far off from a positive. Im at a loss. The only other time ive bled in between periods is when i had a chemical pregnancy. I have noticed that if i take my metformin for a month and then stop when i get my period the next month i will ovulate like for sure ovulate. I get the cramps and all and thats also how i got pregnant with my son. Im reaching out to you guys to find someone with a similar experience bc i reached out to my dr and her nurse called me back without an answer to my questions and said there is nothing more they can do for me and referred me to a fertility specialist and our insurance doesnt cover specialists. Im heart broken. I love my dr and she has helped so many of my friends she is considered the only dr that specializes in fertility without actually being a specialist if that makes sense . and it feels like she put me out in the cold. If anyone had anything similar or would just like to comment please do so. So sorry its a freaking novel