In-law problems


I have been nothing but respectful to my brother-in-law and his wife even when they are disrespectful I bite my tongue out of respect for my husband. My husband, our baby, and I went to Germany to visit them. my brother-in-laws wife was rude and disrespectful the whole time (as usual) nobody wanted to be around her and me and her got into an argument because I told her shes not going to keep talking to me crazy which she then replied "Yes I am" and everyone ended up arguing the whole trip but we left on a good note and everybody was fine. Fast forward to 4 days ago (which is 3 weeks after we got back home) my brother-in-law sends my husband a long message out of nowhere calling me a racist and sneaky (I've never brought up race or even had a conversation with them about race, religion, beliefs, or even politics. And I'm definitely not a racist so I'm shocked by this message) (his wife is white) he claimed I didn't like her because she's white and I was out to "attack" her. I was really angry because they have repeatedly disrespected me and my husband. So I sent a nasty message finally standing up for myself and banned them from being around my daughter, I can't have her around toxic people. I also told them that I don't need to have any contact with them anymore whatsoever. (Not even when my husband deploys, I told them not to even call to check on my daughter) Did I handle the situation correctly? How would you ladies have handled something like this?