Was your ramzi theory accurate?

S H A Y β€’ πŸ’ƒπŸ½+πŸ•ΊπŸ½= πŸ‘ΆπŸ½ ❀️

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Posted at
I figured out how to post it !!! My ramzi theory suggests boy ? Anyone else wana chime in ? Pls do ❀️


S H A Y β€’ Sep 14, 2017
YaaaasπŸ™ŒπŸ½ and the heart rate was 141 if that means anything . Lol thanks Erin!


erin β€’ Sep 14, 2017
a wee little sir πŸ˜‰


Posted at
I'll know in 8 weeks when my baby is born πŸ˜‚ at ultrasound was difficult to see doc said 90% boy and people said boy for the theory


s β€’ Sep 14, 2017
yes it was awful from 6weeks to 15weeks i staued rhrowing up even when i had no food in my stomach doctor gave me the same pills i used first pregnancy and i couldnt keep them down either ive felt alot better after those weeks lol and thankfully im not really big i can still tie my shoes shave my legs pick things up off the floor with ny first at 5 months i couldnt do amy of that


S H A Y β€’ Sep 14, 2017
It hasn't been easy for me either Steph . The nausea and fatigue is a bit much . Around 3 am this morning , I think I have morning sickness . Did you have bile coming up ? I know TMI, but I had no food in my system and was chucking up yellow bile and blood 😭


s β€’ Sep 14, 2017
1st trimester was hell for me


Posted at
Here's my girl at 6w1d


erin β€’ Sep 13, 2017
i hope you are blessed with a healthy and happy pregnancy! πŸ™πŸ˜Œ


S H A Y β€’ Sep 13, 2017
Omg that makes me excited! Because I have my 7 wk scan today which I can't figure out how to post , anyways the yolk sac is on the right ! Where the placenta would start to form. So ramzi would say boy.


Emily β€’ Sep 13, 2017
Yep :) my sister in law was convinced Ramzi was right and this was my girl (which I am over the moon about!). Other people saw my 10 week ultrasound and were convinced boy - but we did NIPT and she's a little lady!


Posted at
My girl said boy and my boy said girl so far. We shall see what this one says


Posted at
I'm not really sure how to tell. This is my transvaginal ultrasound at 6w3d


Caroline β€’ Sep 14, 2017
that's what I was thinking! I just thought I might be looking at it wrong lol


erin β€’ Sep 14, 2017
wow yr babe is right in the middle huh!!! πŸ˜† thatll be hard to tell


Posted at
all girlπŸ’œπŸ’ͺ i knew in my gut though....plus a blood test later to comfirm.


erin β€’ Sep 14, 2017
i think boy.it (if reg u/s) 😁


S H A Y β€’ Sep 14, 2017
I also posted my pic in the survey . Let me know if you can find it, I'm the worse at posting things lol


S H A Y β€’ Sep 14, 2017
Lol my right meaning the left . I know it's reversed when you look at it because of the way X-rays, ultrasounds , and things like that are looking at the body. But ig theories are just that. So we'll have to wait to see in November . lol 🀞🏽