I NEED MORE FEEDBACK !!! Give me opinions / tips


Ok so I've been dating this guy for 5 months and I looked through his phone and I seen things I don't like ... this guy has done things for me that no one has done he helps financially , he also came in my life at a dark time and made me forget all about it . I have my own place but I stay at his more than I stay at mine ... he has a kid that recently moved in .Moral of this explanation is .... he's got an "ex" that he was with and she formed some type of bond with the son .... and she asks if she can come spend time with him .. personally I'm not ok with it because I've seen the messages and she still wanted a relationship ...the son doesn't even remember her nor does he ask to go with her .... I think my man should cut all ties with her simply because I feel like she still wants him and she wants to be in the sons life but there is no need because she isn't helping with the kid ... and she didn't birth him . He feels as though nothing is wrong . He says I need to "chill" I need answers ladies!!!!! Am I wrong?!?