Probable miscarriage


Found out on the 24th of August that I was pregnant. I bought a cheap test and the line came up immediately and dark! I just had a miscarriage in April. I have not gotten pregnant without the use of fertility drugs since I had my son 12 years ago. There has been a lot going on and I was a little devastated, even though this is what I've wanted for so long. But then I realized that this has to be some kind of miracle considering I haven't been able to get pregnant without fertility drugs ever. My fear quickly turned to excitement. Went to see my OB about a week and a half ago and she did blood work and scheduled my first Pregnancy appointment and ultrasound for today. She said my HCG numbers looked good but my progesterone was low so she put me on some twice daily. I go in for the ultrasound today and when the tech started digging, I immediately knew something was wrong. I should be finishing up my ninth week. Baby was measuring at barely six weeks and heart rate was only 68. When I saw that, I just started crying. She was trying to reassure me and calm me down. I wasn't supposed to see the doctor for another hour and she got me in a room immediately and sent the doctor in. Doctor wants me to come in for another ultrasound on Monday and rechecked my blood today. But everything she told me was not reassuring. She said more than likely I would have a miscarriage and that the Progesterone could prolong the miscarriage. I looked online and it said if you are in your 6-8 week and the heart rate is below 70, there's a 100% miscarriage rate.

I have been dealing with so much lately. So freaking much. Including depression and sever anxiety and I have no idea how I'm supposed to get through another loss with almost no support. The one I had in April was the farthest I had made it at that point and I took that one very hard. This is by far the farthest I've made it and I was hopeful because of the way the pregnancy test came up and because I have never made it this far. I just don't know what to do at this point or how to handle this at all. And the waiting I'll have to do between now and Monday is going to be miserable.