Does this pregnancy test look positive to you?


A couple months ago I got my mirena IUD removed that I had for 8 months because it was causing me to have near constant spotting which I couldn't stand. I started taking birth control pills but my husband and I both decided I should stop taking them because they were causing me such horrible mood swings. We've been using condoms but a couple weeks ago we had an "oopsie". We have a 10 month old boy who is our world and have talked about having another baby but wanted to wait to try until our son was 18-24 months old. I was supposed to start my period today but didn't, even though yesterday I had what I swore were period cramps. I got curious and went to the grocery store on my lunch break at work and bought a single $4 pregnancy test and took it in the bathroom and at first glance it looks negative! But then I looked closer and I swear I see a faint blue line that would indicate it could be positive. I showed my hubby and he's skeptical! We would both be thrilled to be expecting again. Does anyone else see this faint line or am I trippin?