Cramping during pregnancy


I'm 13 weeks currently, and at my latest appointment my doctor asked if I'd had any cramping or bleeding, I said "no bleeding, maybe a little slight cramping" and let me tell you, she FLIPPED out. She was like not yelling but being kind of rude and loud about how "cramping is bad, you shouldn't have any cramping, that's a bad sign, pregnancy shouldn't hurt" and I'm like trying to explain that I haven't been in any serious pain, just that occasionally I get aches or a little pain here or there, sometimes in my side, or my abdomen, or my cervix lately. Like things are growing and being shifted around, my ligaments are stretching, is that not supposed to cause a little discomfort? And she was suuuper confused when I said that, and like literally just brushed it off and didn't answer me. It was just a really weird experience considering my doctor wasn't very informative and scolded me for something I'm pretty sure it totally normal. Any one else experience this?