Anyone else...?


I found out I was pregnant the 25th of August and my first appointment isn't until Oct. 13th! I have only been pregnant once and it did result in a healthy pregnancy. we told our parents right away and waited until 12 weeks to tell everyone else. Thus time we are waiting until around 8 weeks to tell our parents because we are having pictures taken with a sign thus Saturday and we are waiting until they come back. I am excited about this baby, but in the back of my mind I am freaking out! I am so scared/nervous that I will go for my dating ultrasound and there isn't going to be a baby in the sac, or stopped growing. I'm not really sure why.. I have signs and symptoms of being pregnant and all of that.. and I know it's too early to show, hear heat beat and feel baby move but I seriously just need conformation or something. The wait is killing me!