Molar pregnancy


Hello, I'm reaching out to see if anyone else has gone threw a molar pregnancy. My partner and I have been trying to conceive for a while now. Well over Father's Day weekend of this year (2017) we found out I was pregnant !!! We were so excited! At first I felt fine, no morning sickness, nothing. THEN I had my worst nightmare. I started having morning sickness, no big deal it's normal right?? Not right in my case.... it got so bad my obgyn had given me some zofran so I could get threw my days.... then that didn't even help it. I got to the point where I couldn't keep anything down. Not even water only time I felt good was when I slept.... I got really week and could barley walk. For some reason even tho everyone around me said it's just morning sickness I went with my gut and went to the ER on August 31st..... I was right there was something wrong. They did an ultrasound and there was nothing there (I was 11 weeks so there should be a baby by now) I got told I had a molar pregnancy and I needed to have a D & C right away so I stayed in the hospital for 5 days...... after I got out it was really hard I started lactating.... my body thought I just gave birth to a 8 month baby that was not's been a month since this all happened. I have been trying to cope with it the best I can... so I'm reaching out to see if anyone has gone threw one? How did you get threw it?? How long did it take your body to heal?? Have you had kids since ???

For those of you who don't know what a molar pregnancy is .... it only happens to 1 in 1500 Women. Instead of growing a baby your body for some reason grows just placenta and tissue at a fast rapid pace... that's why you get to sick. You body makes a lot of hormones thinking it's pregnant. It can be deadly to mom and baby. It can spread to your lungs if not caught in time. Doctors aren't entirely sure why or how it happens. They think that a sperm fertilizes an "empty" or "bad" egg.