How do I move on ?


I feel for you I had an abortion at two months pregnant my baby woulda been of been one soon ,

It was very hard for me because I was very far way from home with no family support I lost my job my friends my parents talked really bad to me for wanting to keep the baby my child's father was cheating on me An had a another baby a month after our due date he me we would would be a family then he changed he watched me cry in the clinic he didn't comfort he sat there cold I had a nurse told me" stop crying that she was a pastor An there was nothing wrong with what I was doing ,she said she moved my name ahead of a few people because I shouldn't be in there crying like that she wasn't going to let me hear my baby's heart beat because I wouldn't go through with it " he lied to he said things would get better An they didn't he's moved on he's happy with his family and baby An I'm broken it's my fault I shoulda known before I found out I was pregnant I found him in our home with someone else he used the baby as a reason to work things out with me to then later tell me that he's no gonna be around after my abortion I took him back I didn't know he had another child on the way when I found out in most hardest way it broke me I took him back again I accepted the baby he still didn't love me I packed my things An got on a plane from Atlanta ga back to California where I have a new job new car and currently looking for new opportunities