My Miscarriage...

got pregnant with my current partners (of 5 months) baby 3 months ago. I had a miscarriage at 6/7 weeks gestation. we where both scared of taking that step together so soon after meeting. it was an emotional rolarcoastee that we agreed would not end in abortion. we decided to let destiny take control. and so it did.. it started to feel so real. I could feel the energy that little version of me and the man i love growing inside of me. and that felt so amazing that I was almost vibrating. I had life inside of me and I knew it would all be okay. but it wasn't and it didn't and I gained even more trust in destiny in knowing it wasn't the right time. but none the less... I knew he was a boy from intuition, I knew what he would look like and what kind of person he would become. and I cannot help but feel like all of this is now just a forgotten being that could have done amazing things. and I feel so lost with where I go from here. a new reality turning so quickly into the same one it was before. I don't know to feel.