Breech extraction for baby B


I'm 37+3 and getting induced on Thursday. Baby A has been head down for a while but B keeps on shifting around between transverse and breech. My MFM said as of now I'm a candidate for vaginal delivery and the hospital where I'm delivering does practice extraction of Baby B. I am super getting nervous about delivery. Delivery with my first (a singleton) was a dream come true; I had super low doses of pitocin and epidural that were just enough to make my labor fairly quick with minimal pain...truly a great experience. With these guys--who are measuring around 7+ lbs each!--I'm petrified about the pain of a possible extraction and just not having the energy push. I am considering opting going straight for a c section. But with a c section I'm really scared about the surgery itself and the recovery.

Anyone having the same considerations and fears? What's helping you to decide? Anyone have a breech extraction? Is it true that it feels like death? Is the epidural not enough?