Pervert uncle

Ok so I'm 27, live with my mom and her husband and his daughter lives here off and on and she has no idea about who my moms brother really is. She loves him. They all do. The truth is my uncle Doug raped my mother for years. The oldest brother Steve started it when my mom was only 5!!!!!! And he was 15!!! And didn't stop until he was caught when he was 19.. then Doug continued the rape until my mom was 12. the brothers never did any kind of punishment for what they did to my mom. I truly feel as though she never got the justice she needed to grow. She has had a deep depression her whole life and now I understand why. Why she sleeps 5 to 6 days a week. I'm so mad at my grandma for keeping this a secret all this time . Not only from me but from my grandpa and to the world. All so she wouldn't feel embarrassed that people would find out what terrors she raised. I am so disgusted and I can't even tell her Bc she and everyone will somehow blame my mom for even telling me. My mom was raised to forgive and forget and to love her brothers. Well before My father died he had raised me to Never give motherfuckers like them a second chance. Siblings protect one another from predators even not become one themselves. I hate that my mom never gotten the chance of therapy at those tough years she went through. I'll never forgive my grandma for raising me to believe my mom was such a pain to raise and never was ready to have a child(me) but yet she never said Doug and Steve weren't !!!!! They are the reason my mom is who she is today and I fucking hate them. The reason I'm so upset right now is because the one uncle has been visiting every other week and staying in the room next to mine . The lock on my door doesn't work so I've set up a boobytrap to keep him from easily getting in. He's came in my room TWICE in the first two visits earlier this summer so I feel that these traps are necessary. I'd kill him if he tried it. Just coming here to rant Bc everyone in this house forgave Doug many years ago and I'm here to scream that I'll NEVER ! I love my mom and I hate that she didn't have the proper love and protection growing up.