Am I obsessed with wanting to be a MOTHER??


Hey, My name is Keke Im 23 years old and will be 24 next weekend. I have already experienced 3 MC in my life, 2 has been with my recent fiancé! We have been trying to get pregnant for the longest. Had a MC this march and it was the worst feeling ever, I was so depressed I took forever to go to the doctor because I didn't even care, I was more hurt for losing my baby. But now its like when will I have my baby? How come its people out here having babies that don't deserve them?? Like I have built a great future already at 23 for my child. I started building my home for my family with my child in mind. I just wanted to know am I obsessed with being a mother?? I read books on parenting, Mothering, How to raise children, I have even picked out my children's names. My fiancé hates when I get down about it, He won't be home for us to try again until February! So its like what if I still can't go full term when he gets home and we try again. Id be even more hurt to know even after all that time I still can't have my own. Im tired of all the things people say, its not my time, Im too young, Stop stressing, don't think about it!! Um hello all of that sounds a little far fetch!!