Bicornuate (heart shaped) Uterus


I have a daughter who’ll be 4 in October. She was preterm at 34 weeks and born via C-Section due to her breech presentation. My midwife was unable to deliver her because of this. I went in for an emergency cesarean and while in the OR wide open, the doctor (OB/GYN) shows off my uterus to the nurses in the room and says, “Notice how it’s heart shaped.” He then noted to the nurse to write septum in uterus. I ask what this means and he states that my uterus is almost divided making it look like a heart. I research later on. I learn mostly that when TTC, risk of preterm labor is high. But nothing mentions the ease or complication of actually getting that BFP.

Does anyone have this issue? We’ve been trying for a year and no babies.