Morning sickness?


Hello. My husband & I are trying ttc. I've always had irregular periods and started using the ovulation kit to help regulate when I'm ovulation. I was ovulating September 4th and we had sex that night. Yesterday and today I've felt a little off. Not quite like I'm full blown nauseous but a little. I don't feel like I need to vomit it's just a weird unsettling feeling that tends to hit me more in the morning and a little at night. Could this be morning sickness? Is it still even too soon to have morning sickness? I've always had his gut feeling I can't have children so I'm almost scared to test because I don't want to feel discouraged. Im 26 years old with 6 siblings who've had children by 21 so that's always bothered me. Also, I've never tried to have a child until recently. Could this be mild morning sickness? Anyone else have this?