Pregnant sciatic nerve pain...?

Lys • Wife 💍 Mommy to Ezra and Cove 💙 #BoyMom #Blessed

Okay so I honestly don't know if this is what I'm experiencing but about 4 days ago I've had this awful constant pain in my left upper butt area sometimes going all the way down to the back of my knee.. it's only one side but it hasn't and won't go away. It hurts so bad I usually wake up around 3 am to go take a hot bath but that only relieves while I'm in the bath. I'm just curious as to how many of y'all have it or got it in pregnancy and what you did to help it. I've tried warm baths, heating pad,massages, walking (which makes it worse) yoga, stretches lol pretty much everything and I notice it gets even worse if I've been on my feet all day, which is pretty much every day because I have a toddler.... 😬😣 thanks for reading ladies! Any advice will help as it will NOT go away... it's like always there but worse at nighttime..... I am also 33 weeks pregnant..!!