TTC #1 at 33

My husband and I have been married almost 10 tears. We started TTC in July 2008. For the next six years, my anxiety would skyrocket every time I found out someone was pregnant. I would plummet into depression and it would take me weeks to snap out of it. Finally, in 2014, I came to terms with never having a natural child of my own. It was like a weight was lifted, and I was finally free to be excited about all the babies coming into the world! My attitude stabilized, and I began working on myself. I thought I was completely past "baby fever" until a few months ago. I stared eating a keto diet and have lost nearly 40 pound. I feel better than I have for most of my adult life. And now, I'm starting to wonder, is it still possible? For the first time in 10 years, my cycle is regular without BC- an amazing feeling. Is 33 too old? Should I readjust my thinking, and just be ok where I am or is it ok to hope? I have wonderful family and friends, but I am a very private person, so I don't feel like I can talk to anyone about how I'm feeling. Any advice ladies? Or tough love? I am a Christian, and I do believe in miracles, but is this asking too much?