Meeting my boyfriend's parents?

So he's 28 years old, he's only had two "serious" relationships in the past but he's never brought a girl home. He's had many lovers but his parents never met them (his brothers did). A few days ago we were talking on the phone and at one point he said "I want to introduce you to my parents, but I'm scared cause I've never done it before" and I'm scared too because what if they don't like me and bla bla bla but at the same time I'm very flattered. Do you think this is some kind of important "step", like a sign that maybe he really thinks I'm the right girl for him?

Ps. My mom already met him because she forced me (I was more than willing to wait for that moment).

I know it doesn't make a lot of sense but please understand me, he's my first serious boyfriend and I don't really know how to act in these situations 😂😂

Also, how did the first time you met your SO's parents go? What did you talk about, were they kind and interested or more like "inquisitive"?

Thank you🌸🌸