Feels like I have the flu...is this a sign labor is near?


I am 38+6 and at my appointment yesterday I had my second sweep. I was already 4 cen and 90% effaced. I lost my plug 2 weeks ago and prior to yesterday was having strong period cramps. Well, following my sweep I started cramping hard for the rest of the day. My belly felt tight almost constantly all day too. I started having contractions about 5 min apart last night but they never got strong enough and I could still walk/talk through them. Now today, I just feel like I have the flu. I called out of work and have slept almost all day. I have zero energy and super irritable. Anything I eat goes in and out the other way almost instantly (sorry, TMI ), my body just aches and I have still be having some inconsistent contractions. Is this a sign? Is labor finally near??