SIL rant pt2


So if you've read my previous posts you know my SIL and MIL are not the best people to live with.

Anyway, MIL has still been "not feeling good" which means she hasn't done shit in a house that she already doesn't do shit in except wash dishes and cook dinner most of the time because she doesn't like how anyone else cooks.

Anyway, with MIL out of commission, SIL has been wrecking the kitchen. Not washing dishes, leaving grease and other unsavory things on the stove/counters/table. I keep up the best I can but sorry, I'm not being a house keeper for lazy ass people who don't do shit on a regular basis.

So SIL cooked some more of her gross teriyaki chicken concoction, she did not share this time, I guess since I took her sad ass chicken and made something better(see previous post) last time. The kicker is that I had previously cleaned/cut the chicken so that it can be evenly shared. I used half yesterday for chicken fajitas, that I shared with her and her boyfriend! So I know the portion size was not an issue!

While she was cooking she FINALLY cleaned her mess! Like holy shit this entitled cunt has FINALLY, FINALLY FUCKING CLEANED HER MESS!

But what got me mad was the fact she came to my SO and was like "oh yeah I cleaned the kitchen because no one the fuck else was going to do it!"

My blood was boiling, like no shit! Of course no one else was going to do it, your dear doting mother is sick, and I'm sorry but I'm not going to be your maid and clean and cook for you every damn day!

Like wtf, you don't get brownie points for FINALLY cleaning up after yourself! If you'd wash your dishes everyday and wipe the stove after you cooked, threw your trash in the garbage instead of the table, and you know, scraping out your dishes into the trash(no garbage disposal) before putting them in or next to the sink like a normal fucking person! The kitchen would never be dirty because 99% of the mess is from you!

When I finally left our room to look at her "miraculous work of art" this bitch here... she only cleaned off the table... stacked all of their dirty dishes into/next to the sink. Didn't wash the pot she used to cook, didn't wipe down the stove. Just moved the dishes to a new location, cleaned up her trash and wiped down the table...Like you really looking for a pat on the back for just cleaning the table off! For fucks sake woman....

I swear, our house can't be built soon enough so I can get the fuck out of this hell hole!