Religion in the workplace?

Stephanie • Mama of two 💕

I work in a call center office. My team at work does automated outbound dials so our call volume can be low at times, allowing lots of conversations and down time. I hear a religious (Christian) comment everyday. Always in passing, as if it's a universal school of thought. Something like "I was truly blessed to get the chance to..." or "I thank God everyday that I'm able to..." or "I just prayed and prayed until..." Now, I do live in the south which unfortunately houses lots of "I'M CHRISTIAN AND EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW AND IF YOU'RE UNCOMFORTABLE THEN I'M BEING TARGETED" type people. But, I just get so fucking frustrated because I am so sure that if I were to make a passing comment about how god isn't real (DAILY) it would be escalated to HR. Whenever people say those things in a conversation I always want to let them know like : NO. I don't believe in that so please stop associating me with that group and talking to me as if I do. 😂 ugh. Am I the only one??