Baby then a hysterectomy...


9-9-17 I went to the hospital with contractions. I was monitored for 3 hours to find out my blood pressure was high. They called my doctor and she admitted me. I was going to be induced 9-10-17. 5am came around and the process started. Around 10:30 I started bleeding. Nurse said she thinks the placenta ruptured. Doctor came in and broke my water. Got the epidural. Within the hour I went from 5cm to complete. With intense contractions and ready to push the epidural had not kicked in. I felt EVERYTHING! Three pushed and my baby boy was here. 7lbs 5 oz. 20 in. He came out perfectly! My sheets were changed and I enjoyed my time with my baby boy and family. An hour later I had to change the sheets again due to bleeding. That went on for 5 hours. My husband pulled my nurse into the hall and questioned the amount of blood on my sheets every hour. 7pm my doc comes in to examine me about the bleeding. She tells me they were going to do a d&c; to figure out the bleeding. Before hand I had taken meds to help stop the bleeding but wasn't working. After they did the d&c; I was still bleeding but now the bleeding has gotten heavier. They tried different approaches on stopping and trying to figure out why it's not stopping. This went on for 3 more hours. By this time my body temp has dropped drastically. With my husband trying to keep my calm holding back his tears my doctor took my husband to the side. He came back to tell me I need to keep calm. The doctor then comes back to tell me the only way they can stop the bleeding was to have a hysterectomy. I start crying yelling no over and over. My husband holding my hand tighter telling me this has to be done to keep me alive because of all the blood I'm losing already. They rushed me into the o.r. I look at my nurse begging for her to wake me up afterwards! When I wake up and come to, I am sitting in the icu room with tubes down my throat. My husband and mother on each side of me. Holding my hand. They are telling me everything that had happened. At the age of 25 I can no longer have kids. My worse of dreams came true. In horrible pain from tearing during labor and pain from having my stomach cut as if I had a c section I tried to think positive. I have my 5 year old daughter and a newborn baby to love even more. My recovery has surprised all the doctors and nurses. The team around me are truly the unsung heroes that day! If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here today with my family! Mentally and physically I went through something that is personally traumatic. I truly have some amazing angels watching over me and my family!