Using Me While It Suits Him

I've been engaged to my fiancee for 3 years. We've been together for 6. I'm 28 and from South Africa and have been living in the U.S. for the past 11 years. my fiancee has been my world for the past 6 years. I have given up on so many things for him. I gave him sec before marriage even though this goes completely against what I've been taught is right. I gave up my friends for him. I gave up my family for him. I lowered my career ambitions for him. I even gave up my dream of having children one day for him. I made it very clear in the beginning that marriage is VERY important to me. After 3 years of dating I asked him where our relationship is going. I told him that I am not interested in dating forever and that I would need to move on if our relationship wasn't leading to marriage. Shortly after my parents pre8ssured us into getting married. My fiance, and o course boyfriend at the time, proposed not long after. We since moved in with each other and I've been ready to marry ever since. He keeps putting it off. Year after year after year. For three years now. I have finally come to then conclusion that I am my fiancee's Mrs Right Now, not Mrs Right.