Am I having another miscarriage?

I went to the ER yesterday because I was having some pinkish orange spotting for 2 days but it turned into blood after I returned home from the OB. They said my levels were 5,300+. They did an ultrasound and it showed everything in its right place but a fetus. Doctor said it could just be too early. I’ve had a miscarriage in late June and had my D&E; on July 10th. And we got pregnant August 10th, I guess you could say and implantation occurred August 22nd. Anyways I am 5 weeks 6 days today and this is my 4th pregnancy. The bleeding has returned and this time with clots. I have another ultrasound in 1 hour. Should I be concerned. There is mild cramping but nothing serious. P.S. the bleeding is on and off and not consistent and light. Picture posted. Sorry in advance!