So anxious now.

I just got off the phone with my hospital telling me that instead of having an ultrasound at my regular place (I'm diabetic and get ultrasounds every week) I have to go to the main hospital instead, where I had my growth scan. A few weeks ago there was a scare with a shadow on my baby's umbilical cord, and last week she was measuring seven lbs at 36 weeks and they said her abdomen was measuring kind of big, but they didn't seem concerned. Could this be why? I've been shaken up since the umbilical cord thing and now I'm so anxious. I'll be 37 weeks and six days on Friday when my appointments is, so technically 38 weeks. My hands are shaking and I can't calm down. Has anyone else gone through something similar? How did it turn out? Just to add- the shadow was normal thickening at the base of her umbilical cord.