Missed period, then spotting. Negative pregnancy tests.


Okay so here's some background. I gave birth to my daughter 5 months ago. I breastfeed exclusively so I'm on the mini pill as a form of birth control. For the first 3 months I had a period every 14-18 days lasting about 3 days. I figured my body was just getting used to this new hormone surge. So I stuck it out. Well my last period was on August 9th-12th. It was a light period. For awhile I was like 'yay! Finally I'm getting on track for a normal cycle!' But week after week... it didn't come. So I've taken numerous tests. All negative. I took my last test on September 16th. Negative. So I was like 'okay my body is just going back to no periods because I'm breastfeeding or something.' Well I started what I thought was gonna be a period on Monday. Except I only ended up spotting. And I mean barley spotting. I could have used one pad for both days. It only lasted two days, if that. And it was brown. Now I'm not spotting anymore. I've never had implantation bleeding before but I hear that's what it's like. And I know that the mini isn't super effective, especially if you don't take it at the exact same time everyday. I did miss a pill about a month ago. But it was just once. And it was awhile so this isn't break through bleeding. I also got pregnant while on birth control with my first child. So idk if it's just me going crazy, or if this really could be implantation and I just implanted late. I really don't know. I need some advice and other experiences please.

Again, I've already taken numerous tests and they were all negative, but now I'm second guessing. I know the chances are pretty low but I have gotten pregnant on birth control before. And I may have just implanted late. Idk.

Also, i wasn't sure which group this post belonged in. If I should move it please let me know.

Thanks in advance 🙂👍🏼