Need some advice please, mommas. How do you politely deal with family that wants to be 100% involved in pregnancy?

Before anyone jumps down my throat for complaining about an involved family, please let me explain. My husband and I are experiencing our first pregnancy. I will be 7 weeks tomorrow and we have our first ultrasound scheduled tomorrow. It will be the first time we see baby and make sure everything is okay. I let my family know we were going and my mom and sister are demanding I FaceTime them during the appointment. When my mom brought it up I said, "We'll just have to see how things go. I can definitely send you pictures though!" And she said the least that I could do would be to FaceTime her because my husband and I moved 5 hours away about a year and a half ago. (She's still carrying some major resentment...) I spoke to my husband about the situation and he put into words what I was feeling, which is: this is a time we feel like we should share together. At least the first ultrasound. There will be more. This is something that has been years in the making with so many fertility treatments and we just want this moment to ourselves. Are we wrong or being selfish? Please give us some advice. Thanks!