My body hates pregnancy πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ

Sierra β€’ Oakley Paige 12/14/17 🌸 Roman Harris 10/8/19 πŸŒ™

To anybody that's ever read any of my posts, you'll know pregnancy hasn't been a blast for me πŸ˜… To start off, I've continuously bled on and off and nobody can give me a straight reason, I'm now on strict restrictions after an emergency appointment last week and see my OB every 2 weeks to ensure that I don't go into labor early.. I've also had high blood pressure this entire time, which they're starting to show some concern over, but right now it's okay. And to top it off I now have to go take the 3 hour glucose test because I had high numbers for my 1 hour πŸ™„πŸ™„ I love this baby so much and I'm doing everything to ensure she's as healthy as can be and feel blessed to even be able to carry her.. but dang, I still have 14.5 weeks to survive πŸ˜‚πŸ˜