

I just found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago, I wasn't sure exactly what was the first day of my last period was so they did their best to tell me how far along I was which they predicted I was 7 weeks. Sunday I was cramping and started bleeding bright red and went straight to the ER. They took my blood and tried to do a transvaginal ultrasound (with no luck) but then did an abdominal ultrasound(I had just went pee right before we did it and she only looked on the right side of my stomach). They came in and said my hcg levels were 182 which were low and I went back Tuesday to test my hcg again which was 169(so it didn't drop much) the cramping only lasted two days an is completely gone and the bleeding wasn't super heavy but I pass small clumps from time to time. They said it's a threatened miscarriage just based off the hcg, could I still be pregnant though? What should I do?