It's you not me


To keep things short and sweet, last year I had a laparoscopy for Endometriosis at that point my fiancé and I had been trying to conceive for a year. I went to see a specialist recently who wanted to test my fiancés sperm. The test results came back today and she literally said it's the worst sperm she's ever seen. It's immobile completely and no matter what I do to myself there's nothing that can help me get pregnant due to his sperm. For two years I've been beating myself up blaming myself constantly crying myself to sleep for not being pregnant. Now to find out I'm not the issue at all ( Doctor said I'm completely healthy after my surgery, normal menstrual and ovulating ) has anyone dealt with this in their relationship ? Is it bad that I feel relieved that it's actually not me because at one time he said to me " idk what the problem is it's not me though, it can't be me " and that burned into my memory ? How do we move forward ? Need so advice 😬