Just wanna take this out 😔


I'm a single mom of my dd 1m8d old, my classmates/friends would like to visit her on sunday. One of my classmates that will come knows how to read tarot cards. She's good. My mom really loves tarot/ palm reading or whatever that tells her future so I mentioned about it a long long time ago.

Yesterday, I told her my classmates will come. She said that I only asked them to come here so I can have her read tarot card for me. She wants her to read it to her and she's already telling me I'm selfish that I don't want my friend to do it with her. Well, I'm not. I didn't ask them to come, they just wanted to come and I don't want to have a tarot session when I'm so busy with a child in my arms and breastfeeding and all. I told her that I don't wanna ask my friend to do the tarot for her because it's kinda embarrassing when she just wanted to visit my dd, so my mom got pissed off. She said "but your daughter's more embarrassing" I asked her why because I really had no idea and she said.. "Because she's got no father". I was shocked when I heard it coming from her. I never thought about that, not even once. I was never embarrassed of that until I heard it coming from my own mom and my dd's granma. I'm still healing about my relationship with my dd's father and my mom just squeezed some lemon juice on my wound. 😔😔😔 I want to get away from her house but my situation right now wouldn't allow me to.