soooooo they say i have to have a hysterecomy 😭

So im 22 weeks along and high risk . 1 they say over 35 is like to mature for carry babies and im 37 now and my last pregnancy i had to have an emergency c - section and they did the inside a classical incision and the outside a bikini one , So when i got pregnant this time they told me i had to have a c section , due to it being a classical section and my uterus could rupture😣. If i would have known that they had to do it again i wouldnt have gotten pregnant 😧. So yesterday i went for a ultrasound and the dr said that i had alot of blood flow to my placenta , ok im like wooo hooo , nope burst my bubble she did and said that my uterus is growing over my c section scar , and said that they woukd like to do a hysterecomy at the time of my delivery 😭😭. I might sound selfish idc but i like my body parts where there at 😪😪 what well happen if they take all of my uterus out?? No more babies , ok im sorry but i would like to chose myself if to not have any more babies not a dr !!!!  And i still havent told my hubby , i will tonight , but its hard for me to take this in, also on top of it they will be taking him out at 36 weeks , so i cant even enjoy a full 40 week pregnancy😭😭!!! So i feel jipped on this whole pregnancy since i guess he is my last one , how am i going to enjoy the rest of this pregnancy now 😭😭. Im so sad and just needed to vent .