My birth story

💖Toya Monique💋💋 • 26. Baby Nala❤️❤️Sept. 17th

I was induced the end.

Lol no really...nothing exciting just my stubborn baby girl not only went past her due date but she also wouldn't cooperate with rupturing the bag.

Embarrassing moment: I was having contractions and with each contraction I would feel pressure on my bottom and with that pressure I basically pooped (eww) on myself

😐 that was horrible...and embarrassing

My epidural wore off on my left side right before it was time for me to push😧 & I felt every contraction and what they call "the ring of fire" it wasn't intense but I still felt it..the burning sensation omg is so uncomfortable.

Good news is that I didn't have a perineal tear...the bad news is that I had what the dr called a clitoral hood laceration and had to get a few stitches😫😫😫

I never delivered an 8lb baby, my other kids were either 5 or 6 lbs

But here she is: Nala Zakiyah