been trying so much...


it's been killing me because I wanna be a mommy so badly, and I haven't had any luck at all, I'm in remission for cervical cancer and plus sever endimitrosis which makes it more difficult, I've had 5 miscarriages and I'm feel like I'm just ready to give up.... my doctors told me of I don't have a kid by I'm 30 it's probably gonna be slim to none well I have until August them I turn 30, I'm scared bcuz I always knew i was meant to be a mommy.... I've known it in my soul!!! I have my fiances son but never get to see him ever bcuz of his baby mama drama... IDK it's just been making me more depressed since I ended up having a miscarriage last week or 2 ago.... so I just don't know what to do anymore... I feel like I just wanna give up and not even try, I'm just lost and need some help some guidance ya know... then new engagement ring!!!