i cant stop crying

guys i lost my virginity a month ago to a guy who i don't even talk to anymore and he's an ass. he used a condom. i am freaking out bc my period is due around now and the only synmptons i feel are occasional light cramps and food cravings like normal. i have been extra horny and emotional too. but usually my boobs are sore and they aren't. and it's really freaking me out and ik the more i worry the more it wont come. i usually get it on the 27th of each month but last month it came on the 20th. im so worried im pregnant like im 21 that was my first time ever having sex and it was with an ass and just my luck i got pregnant by that. i feel horrible. please help me. i really don't think i am but it's just worrying me and ik i should just take a test but i wanna wait until the 27th. i have been drinking a lot of alcohol this month and stressing very much, so maybe that's effecting it?

*UPDATE* i got my period :)