Bleeding at 9 dpo?


I am on oral progesterone so I shouldn't be bleeding. Definitely at 9 dpo (+ opk and bbt temp spike). Bleeding is redish brown and lighter than light period but heavier than spotting. I started bleeding through progesterone last month too at 14 dpo which seems much more logical. Only other symptoms are bad headache and very cranky but only with dh. It's like I have no patience with him and only him. Calling Dr this morning. I think it's af early but not sure. Supposed to start clomid on cd 3 (tomorrow if af) so need to know what to do. Anyone experience this?
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Dr did an ultrasound and I have a 4 cm cyst on my left ovary. She thinks I didn't ovulate this month which is odd cause my temp spiked like I did ovulate and got positive opk. Doing another ultrasound in three weeks.


Julika • Apr 23, 2015
so is that a follicular cyst or corpus lutem cyst? Dr said I have breakthrough bleeding. it's really heavy too. I am on my 5th overnight pad today. she said my uterine lining wasn't very thick so if this bleeding doesn't let up tomorrow I am calling dr again.


Stacy • Apr 22, 2015
You didn't ovulate, which is what the cyst is...the dominant follicle that came out, but didn't get released. It's called a functional cyst. Your temps and opks will show ovulation because a follicle did get released...just not let go. If that makes sense.


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It's only getting heavier so I doubt it as nice as that would be. Going to Dr for ultrasound tomorrow.


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It could be IB.