"Deep" cervix or tilted pelvis?


its not a announcement but i was wondering if any of you have the same problem as me when ttc and its mostly because of a deep cervix whats hard for the swimmers to reach. i just want to know if it really could b that simple lil Journey to get to the cervix making it such hard work for the lil swimmers lol. iv got two children so i know i can get pregnant but it just takes such a long time! (#1=3yrs trying) (#2=2yrs trying) we been to the doctors and they say were all fine so its got me thinking its gotta my awkward flower?!

iv been looking into diy <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>, basically Turkey basting🙈 so the lil swimmers got abit more of a chance.

does anyone else have this problem? and found a solution?

thankyou in advance! 😘