Post LC appointment update:


So I finally saw the lactation consultant. My baby was transferring 1-1.5 oz. that's very little but she's doing better than before. Now we have to work on my supply! I have to feed her for 15 mins at most on each side to empty the breast then give her supplement in a bottle, then pump for 15-20 mins. She wants her to eat 3 oz every 2-3 hours since she has a stretch of sleep at night. Since she's underweight, we want to feed her a little more than a little less.

I feel relieved.. finally some guidance. I'm taking fenugreek and blessed thistle. I also have something called liquid gold by legendairy milk but I'll only be taking 2 of those pills.

We will be seeing her next Monday again for a weight check and see how much transfers out again. She was so nice.. I think the reason I was avoiding the lactation care center was because I did not like the previous consultant. I cried in front of my new LC on accident and she made me feel so confident and less stressed. I've cried for days over this. She said my daughter might take a week or two to get used to her mouth muscles since the ties have been released.

And today when I pumped, I got 1.5 oz in 15 mins!! Now I only have to give .5 oz of formula at her next feeding 😊😊😊 That's more milk than I've ever seen come out from pumping lol my new pump is the spectra s2. I also have the medela in style but really don't like it. The LC said she likes the spectra more for mommys too.

I've been skipping meals and stressing over all of I feel more confident and motivated.