10 month old waking up screaming at night

Kaitlyn • Due 12/5/16 😍

I need some help or advice. My 10 month old became a very good sleeper in the past few months. In the beginning he was up every 2 hours but the past 3-4 months he'll only get up once to eat and go back to sleep immediately or sometimes he will sleep through the night. For the past week or so he's waking up every hour or so SCREAMING in his crib. Sometimes he won't go back to sleep for about an hour or so. Or once you put him down he'll wake up immediately. I need some advice because me and boyfriend both have full time jobs and we are becoming zombies at work. Advice please😔😔😔

UPDATE: 10/11/17

My baby has been sleeping through the night for the past 2 weeks. I don’t know if it was teething because his top two teeth broke skin a few days ago to what it was but we got through it!

UPDATE 10/24

So we thought everything was good but now for the past 5 days the same thing. Waking up screaming every 3-4 hours. I don’t know what to do anymore. This is exhausting.