Is there anything I can do?

This might seem silly but it really annoys me and it just seems really unfair.

I work for a small company, there are only 8 of us. 3 are the bosses of the company, 4 of us are employees then 1 is an apprentice. We are in the creative industry so everything is pretty relaxed. Our office has only 2 parking spaces so they are reserved for clients and the bosses. But the apprentice keeps parking there. And nobody tells him to stop they just tease him about it. Like 'oh employee of the month now are you parking out the back'. So he keeps doing it.

While the rest of us have to find parking on the road about 10min walk away even if its pouring with rain. So when I spend the day soaked through because I follow the rules I feel a lot of resentment for the guy who doesn't respect the rules! He also vapes in the toilet so sometimes you can't breathe when you just want go pee. He spends hours on fb and reddit and watching gaming videos while at work.

I just am not the type of person to complain about him. And as mentioned the bosses seem to know already they just don't discipline him or tell him off.

This might just be a rant as he pisses me off daily and today is one of those days it doesn't seem fair. I'd rather work in a fair workplace. I've worked here twice as long as him but since he has arrived I just want to leave. It feels like the only option.