Does it get easier?

My baby is 4.5 weeks old and it seems like I spend all my day bf-ing, for 35-40 min at a time. Finding time to wash my face often feels like a luxury! When did u moms feel less of a feeding machine? When did feelings become shorter or less frequent?
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Exactly how I felt with my last little boy... I am on week 4 this time 


Shanna • Apr 27, 2015
I remember just loving being able to throw a couple of diapers and a onesie in my pocket book and go and thinking how much it would stink to have to pack bottle and formula stuff


Ru • Apr 27, 2015
This gives me hope!


Posted at
Yes it gets way easier!! Besides growth spurts, breastfeeding gets way easier! My son is now 7 weeks old and is nursing every 2-3 hours for about 20-30 minutes and now at night he is having one 4 hour stretch from 6:30-10:30 (or around that) and then he wakes up one more time in the middle of the night and then again at 6:30 am. Just hang in there, it won't be hard forever! Also, maybe your baby is comfort nursing...I had to give my son a pacifier because he loooves to just suck on things and he was using me as a paci all the time (which I sometimes still let him) but I introduced one at 4 weeks old and it helped a lot, it's nice whenever he wants to just suck, but I have do something! Good luck :) 


Nancy • Apr 22, 2015
Thank u! Good to know!!


Posted at
It keeps getting easier and easier. The beginning is the hardest. My son around 12 weeks all of a sudden became a SPEED EATER out of nowhere. Of course then I freaked out wondering if he was getting enough I eat (he was) but me and my boobs were free! Lol


Ru • Apr 23, 2015
Looking forward to this phase!


Posted at
Yes it gets easier!! My almost three month old goes about 3 hours during the day, and goes 6-8 hours at night! It's wonderful! And her feeding times vary, but it's most often 15ish minutes.


Posted at
So wonderful to read how breastfeeding gets easier!! I too have tried to give my LO a pacifier to clam herself down during her fussy periods but she just keeps gagging and refuses to take it 


Posted at
It gets much easier!


Posted at
It gets better!! My LO started going three hour stretches around 6 and a half weeks. He's 2 and a half months now and seems to be getting more and more into a routine. I can shower and we can go out and about! 


Nancy • Apr 22, 2015
Thank u!!