Vitamin D supplementation recs

KML • Expecting #3 in October 2019

I'm sure most of you all already know the recommendations on giving a daily vitamin D supplement to your baby but I just wanted to tell you guys that I went to a lecture today by a very good bone physician. He said that ALL babies need supplementation, not just breast fed babies. He showed us a slide that showed that even a baby who's formula fed will be deficient by the age of 6 months (and is at risk for developing Rickets) if not giving a supplement daily. He said the reason is the baby doesn't get enough formula in a day to get the 400 units daily. Interestingly, a woman who's breast feeding (who doesn't want to give her baby the drop) can take 4,000 units vit D daily herself and she will pass enough vit D through her milk. Also remember that milk is fortified with vitamin D and raw milk has no vitamin D.

Wanted to share these items that I found interesting. Go ahead and get those drops now in the baby medicine aisle now before baby comes!