TTC struggle

I’m 22 and my partner is coming up 28! We’ve been trying to convince for a number of years, I first got pregnant at the young age of 17 but I didn’t find out until I was 18! We were so excited but at the same time I was so scared! As I was so young but had always spoke about having children. Anyways I had unfortunately misscaried that child, we were gutted. We tried and tried and nothing we did get pregnant twice and lost both. In between that I had a sex injury that led me being in the ER the gyno checked me and everything “looked fine” I was sent home with a number of tablets incase I had infections from the injury! I had a mass amount of pain also so I have never been able to have comfortable sex ever since this has happened. I’m starting to wonder if I have some tissue damaged tissue down there because of this! Cant somebody give me some insight please as I’m eager to be a parent and atm I’m relaxing on this app to get me there before I seek medical advice :) HAPPY TTC