

Okay ladies, I need some help. so my husband and I have been ttc for 12 months now. At first we weren't doing anything special at all other than not using any protection. 2 months ago we decided to try a little harder and we started taking the couples one a day pre conception vitamins, pay attention to when my estimated ovulation is, and I lay down for a few mins after we do the deed. We work opposite shift so baby dancing doesn't happen as much as I'd like, but we do it about 3-4 times a week. I'm due for AF on 08/02 and pretty regular. TMI........

This morning I felt like I was peeing my pants😂😂. I went to check and sure enough there was blood in my underwear. Enough to leak thru my underwear but it wasn't on my pants. I put in a tampon assuming I started early and dismissed any thought of it being my month. About 1 hour later some pretty intense cramps hit. I have pretty terrible cramps every cycle and usually they start right before the bleeding. Anyways, about 2 hours later I arrived at home and was able to change Into some clean underwear and put on a pad in attempts to help my cramps subside. I took midol too. At around 10pm I went to go to the bathroom and noticed that there was absolutely nothing on the pad and was no blood when I whiped either. I'm assuming

I only bleed for less than an hour because the tampon from this morning hardly had blood on it either. The cramps lasted about 2 hours and I've been feeling fine all night. my blood was a reddish brown. I've never had this happen before and was wondering if you thought my period is just being funny or if it's possible that it was implantation. I've always herd that implantation is a light pink with no or very light cramping. Should I wait it out, test or call my Dr? I think I'm gonna call the Dr anyways since my cramps are always so severe. Sorry it's so long!!! Thanks for any help/ opinions