Art/crafting out of home


Hi ladies, I am hoping to hear from someone who is an artist out of their own home. I have a job as a decorator/muralist and painted out of my home before the baby came. I haven't decided yet if I'm going back to work and was wondering if anyone else is hoping to make a career out of their own home in art/crafting? How do you have time to do any work with a newborn? I am itching to start paintings but am nervous about drying time and other time consuming things if my daughter wakes up while I'm in the middle of working on something? I feel as though I'll never have time to do this unless someone else is watching the baby... and at that point I might as well go back to work, right? Any advice? Should I just try and possibly fail? I hate being wasteful with paint/canvas/watercolor paper. I think the stress relief would help my PP emotions. TIA!